
Jan 26, 2017


Hello, everyone, and welcome to another discussion! First things first, I would like to apologize for not posting in a while. Because I'm so new to blogging, my mother has to read through my posts before I post them to make sure that I'm not writing too much personal information or rude stuff or using improper grammar. And because she is busy with... Stuff... It takes a long time. Well, if you're still here, the topic of today's discussion is: Movies/TV/YouTube Stuff!

I don't know about you, but I've seen so many movies that I couldn't count them all... One of the many books that my father has is '1000 Movies You Must See Before You Die' and I can honestly say that when I read through it I recognized about 1/8th of the movies it mentioned. I must inform you that they were a collection of Hollywood movies FROM THE EARLY 1900s TO EARLY 2000s. So, those movies it listed that I recognized doesn't include all the modern movies that I've seen. I can safely say that I, Daniel, have watched at least 250 movies. To some of you that might seem like a small number... But, you have to remember that I'm only a teenager. So 250 movies is a lot.

WAIT! I just had a revelation... What about... "RERUNS"? If you include all the times I've watched a movie over and over again... I would have seen at least 1000! Because I watch a movie three, four, maybe even five times depending on how much I like a movie. Now that I think about it... I've spent a lot of time watching movies... Some movies are two-and-a-half, maybe three hours long. And I've watched them over and over and over again.

Like, Star Wars, for example. I love those movies! They never get old to me. If you strap me down to a chair in a white cell and force me to watch EVERY Star Wars movie in order, indefinitely. All that would happen is, I'd be able to recite every scene of every episode a little better. Lord of the Rings is another. Those movies will never get old to me. On a side note, I read the Lord of the Rings novels and can honestly say that I enjoyed the movies more. There were little things that the movies changed. But, by and large, they were about the same. What are some more movies that I could watch over and over again? Hmm... Oh! The Marvel movies! I think that they are doing a great job on those movies! Now, you could hold a gun to my head and ask what my favorite Marvel movie is... And I still couldn't tell you. I don't know! They're all so well done! Another side note, I haven't seen Deadpool yet... Or the more recent X-Men movies... So, I technically haven't seen 'every' Marvel movie. I've seen a few DC movies. But, I don't like those nearly as much.

I've seen every My Little Pony: Equestria Girls movie. Wait... Before I discuss that, let's talk about the TV series: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I've stuck to that show like glue, no, like dry oatmeal, since it aired on October 10, 2010. (I was 9 years old) However... I didn't start like that. No, sir! When I first heard of it, I... Well... I acted like a boy. I thought that it would be girly and stupid. It was actually my sister who watched it and said, "Daniel! You gotta watch this!" So, I did. And look at me now. A brony to the core. Isn't it fascinating how life works? Another side note, I still HATE the theme song. "My Little Pony, My Little Pony, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh, (My Little Pony) I used to wonder what friendship could be (My Little Pony) until you all shared this magic with me. Big adventure, tons of fun, a beautiful heart, faithful and strong, sharing kindness, it's an easy feat, and magic makes it all complete! (My Little Pony) Do you know your all my very best friends?" See... I have it memorized... I can sing it backwards! Please, don't ask why... No one quite knows the reason. It could be that my shoes are too tight, or maybe my head isn't screwed on just right. But, I think the most likely reason of all is that my heart is two sizes too small. But, whatever the reason, my heart or my shoes, I watch every episode hating the theme song.

I watch a lot of TV. But, another thing I spend a lot of time on is YouTube. Music videos, YouTubers, animations, and SFMs make YouTube a place where I love to spend time. I get lost in the nonsense people animate. Sometimes it's very good animation, however, in the case of most SFMs its just rubbish made to make you laugh. (I like to laugh. It makes me feel happy.) I have quite a list of YouTubers who I enjoy watching... Markiplier, Ssundee, MrCrainer, ibxtoycat, UnspeakableGaming, Mumbo Jumbo, MagmaMusen, Genowhirl70, Blue Monkey, Grian, FluffyMixer, Rizzial, PinkSheep, ExplodingTNT, PurpleShep, and Element Animation. A good friend of mine, by the name of Ryan, has a YouTube channel as well: beardoAdept. He's currently trying to get his channel started, so you should totally subscribe to him... It would really help! With that free advertisement out of the way, let's continue!

Now I can't call this blog Daniel's Discussions if it's a one way conversation, so... What are your favorite movies? Do you have a favorite? How often do you watch reruns? How often do you watch TV? Are you now watching MLP:FiM? If you are... Then, SCORE 1 FOR DANIEL!

Well, that's all I'm going to write about today. Again... Sorry for taking so long. I will try to write more often in the future. If you have any concerns or would like me to share my thoughts on something, let me know in the comments. Thanks guys!

1 comment:

  1. Nice post! And, shush, its a glorious theme song. *hums*
    You know i can answer the favorite movie question, and since you live with me you know i watch reruns a lot. Same with TV. And MLP;FiM (I'm going to die watching for the movie and season 7 to come out).
